If Clauses Type II (Unreal Past Condition)
(Gerçekleşmesi Mümkün Olmamış Koşullar)
Bu tip şart cümlelerinde “if” ’li cümlecik Geçmiş Zaman halinde, ana cümledeki fiil Geçmiş Şart Yapısında, yani “would” ile kullanılmış durumdadır. Bu yapı gerçek olmayan, mümkün olmayan veya muhtemel olmayan durumlardan bahsederken kullanılır. “Yüz milyon dolarım olsaydı...(ki yok).” türündeki şart cümleleri gerçekleşmesi mümkün görülmeyen, sadece olması bir an için hayal edilen bir durumu gösterirler. Bu tipte fiil Geçmiş Zaman olduğu halde geçmişle ilgili değildir. Şimdiki durumu belirtir. “To be” eylemi, “second conditional” formunda kullanıldığında, '’were” olarak kullanılır. Bundan başka “unreal conditional” birkaç durumda kullanılır.
v I am ill now, so I won’t come with you. (Şu anki bir gerçek)
If I weren’t ill, I would come with you. ( Zaman PAST olmasına rağmen anlam PRESENT dır.)
v They live in İzmir so we can’t see each other very often (Şu anki bir gerçek)
If they didn’t live in İzmir, we could see each other very often ( Zaman PAST olmasına rağmen anlam PRESENT dır.)
v She can’t buy that car, because she doesn’t have enough money. (Şu anki bir gerçek)
She could buy the car if she had enough money. ( Zaman PAST olmasına rağmen anlam PRESENT dır.)
Type II
If Clause
Main Clause
Present Unreal
Simple past
Past Continuous
Could Had to
v If I lived near my office I’d be in time for work.
v If I dyed my hair blue everyone would laugh at me.
v If I had a map I would lend it to you.
v If he studied more, he would pass the exam.
v I would lower taxes if I were the President.
v If I were a carpenter, I would build my own house.
v If I were you, I wouldn't drive so fast.
Temel Cümlede Kullanılan Yapılar
v They would buy a new house if they had more money.
v If I were younger than you, I could faster
v If the prices weren’t very high, we might buy a car.
If’li Cümlede Kullanılan Yapılar
Simple past
v If I lived near my office I’d be in time for work.
v If I were you, I wouldn’t go there. (Was da kullanılabilir amam were daha yaygındır.)
Past Continuous
v If he weren’t working now, he could come to our party. (but he is working now)
v If the baby weren’t sleeping, I would go out. (but he is sleeping)
Could Had to
v If she could use computer, they would accept her for the job (but she can’t use computer)
v If they had to get up early, they would go to bed early. (but they don’t have to get up early)
Should (olasılık)
v If there should be draught, we would have many problems.